Tryout Readiness Clinic – Winter III


A 6-week course dedicated to preparing your player for upcoming tryouts. Each week will focus on a specific technical areas designed to give your player more confidence and ability when it comes to showing well at tryouts. We will give advice and strategies for looking your best.

Program highlights:

  • Session will start with self evaluation and the trainer will give an evaluation at the end of the 6 week course.
  • Videos will accompany each session so you can work at home!
  • Ball handling and striking techniques
  • 1v1 moves
  • Turns and playing with back to goal
  • 1st touch passing and receiving
  • Small sided games

Day Times: 2016-2014: Sundays 4-5pm; 2013-2011:  Sundays 5-6pm

Schedule: Sundays: 2/25, 3/3, 10, 17, 24, (No class Easter 3/31), 4/7

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